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Upgrading digital copyright law to empower Europe’s creative industries

Art in the age of digital reproduction is under threat from inadequate contracts, piracy, generative AI and limits on access. In the EU-funded reCreating Europe project, researchers, libraries, copyright experts and other stakeholders sought ways to secure culturally diverse production of art, as well as inclusive access for consumers. The results can help Europe maintain its position as a cultural and economic powerhouse in the creative industries.

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Understanding the social impacts of automation

Many fear that automation could lead to severe unemployment and that our education systems are not fit for purpose. To address these concerns, the EU-funded TECHNEQUALITY project is examining the potential social consequences of our digital age. The findings could help governments to devise policies that maximise economic growth to benefit citizens, whilst mitigating potential social harm.

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New EU-funded research aims to help policymakers protect intersex people better

People born with sex characteristics that fail to fit into the typical definitions of male or female often face a lifetime of marginalisation, discrimination and social exclusion. They are also often subjected to potentially harmful surgical procedures. But new EU-funded research aims to change this by providing policymakers with fact-based information about the intersex experience.

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Robots for real people

Robot makers tend to assume that their creations will make people's lives easier. Prospective users may not share their enthusiasm, or indeed their perception of the needs. Talk to each other, say EU-funded researchers. Otherwise, the uptake of this fantastic technology will suffer, and potential benefits to society may be lost.

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Transforming fashion through community innovation

The fashion industry has been linked to pollution, waste, and modern slavery. In light of this, an EU-funded project led a series of successful experiments designed to spark radical, sustainable change while, at the same time, uniting Europe's textile and clothing businesses.

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A global code of conduct to counter ethics dumping

An EU-funded project is leading far-reaching efforts to improve adherence to high ethical standards in scientific research around the world. It is implementing a global code of conduct that aims to ensure communities, research participants and local resources in scientific studies are treated with fairness, respect, care and honesty.

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