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The industry behind a quieter life

Tackling noise and vibration at the source is critical for a wide range of health reasons. With that in mind, EU-funded researchers have developed new tools to help design and build quieter and safer machinery for transport and industry.

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New tool to help urban planners prepare for climate change

Climate change-related rising sea level, urban floods and heat waves will cause destruction and take lives in cities. The extent of these impacts will depend on how well and how quickly urban planners implement adaptation measures. The EU-funded RAMSES project has developed methodologies and a handbook to help urban planners estimate damage and adaptation costs, and transform cities.

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Improving quality of urban life for Europe's elderly

The EU-funded GRAGE project is taking an innovative approach to creating harmonious, sustainable and inclusive citizenship for the elderly in Europe's urban areas. Bringing together researchers from diverse fields, the project is also addressing the global challenges of urbanisation, demographic change and environmental distress.

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Breathe easier - smart sensors for healthier indoor air

Stuffy office environments and poor air quality in schools, hospitals and factories could soon be a distant memory thanks to low-cost smart sensor and ventilation-control technology capable of intelligently detecting and removing hazardous airborne substances. The technology was developed through EU-funded research.

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