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Measuring the new world of online work

Labour markets are changing dramatically, with millions now finding and carrying out work online. However, as official statistics only capture traditional labour markets, an EU-funded project has been tracking the growing world of online work.

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Floating privacy and security in the clouds

As critical government services such as health care move online, it is essential to ensure your personal data is protected and easily managed. EU-funded researchers have come up with a novel solution that allows you to share and protect your personal details in a virtual wallet on the cloud – good for privacy and security.

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Putting smartphones at the centre of online security

An EU-funded project has launched a smartphone-centric authentication platform securely connecting all online accounts with a user's identity, putting an end to having to remember myriad PINs and passwords. This could help protect against hacking and boost confidence in online commerce amid privacy concerns.

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How to protect privacy in the age of big data

When companies collect and analyse data about consumer behaviour, they provoke profound questions about privacy rights. But a group of EU-funded researchers has struck a balance between privacy and the private sector. Their goal is to allow consumers to select the level of privacy protection that suits them best.

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Using social media to strengthen public security

An EU-funded project is improving understanding of the opportunities, challenges and legal and ethical considerations arising from the use of social media in policing. The project aims to provide a roadmap, including recommendations, to help policymakers better target ways to fight crime and improve public safety.

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Fighting internet-based financial crimes and scams

As a powerful force for good around the world, the internet is also exploited by criminals to steal money from people. An EU-funded project is creating an innovative, IT-based platform to help law enforcement fight web-based crimes. The aim is to protect people against internet-based theft and scams.

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Security for a mobile generation

Does our increasing reliance on smartphones make data more vulnerable? An EU-funded project's recommendations on cybersecurity aim to inform policymakers on the best approaches to protect personal data and improve trust in mobile applications.

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Assisted living technology made easy

Some people take pleasure in an epic struggle to configure a new wireless device. Others, not so much. For them, it would be great if the electronics they need could, please, just sort themselves out to work straight out of the box. An EU-funded project has found a way to achieve this level of user-friendliness for assisted living technologies.

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