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Careers & mobility

Understanding freedom of movement in the EU

Free movement of persons is a fundamental principle of the European Union, but intra-EU transit comes with economic, social and political challenges. The EU-funded REMINDER project is investigating public opinion and the impact of free movement - helping to inform EU policy.

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The myriad of careers where research skills matter

Opportunities for researchers arise in a wide variety of sectors, but awareness of the full breadth of potential careers in settings other than academia tends to be lacking. An EU-funded project has produced online resources to highlight a wider range of options, in a bid to benefit society, the economy and researchers themselves.

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Innovative technology for next-gen vehicles

Steering for direction, brakes for safety, suspension for comfort? Yes, but they are all relevant to each other. An EU-funded project that focuses on harnessing their interplay is developing smart technologies for even better cars - boosting industry competitiveness in the process.

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Innovation in energy technology powers research careers

Breakthrough battery technologies will play a vital role in achieving the EU's goal of lowering carbon emissions by storing renewable energy for use around the clock and increasing the uptake of electric vehicles. EU-funded research is developing new energy-storage options that will have an enormous impact in Europe, creating new jobs and helping to protect our environment.

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Funding for young scientists advances medical research

International mobility fosters scientific exchange, a key element in advances in all areas of the life sciences. An EU-funded project supports this by awarding bursaries to postdoctoral scientists for research and training abroad - boosting Europe's capacity to make groundbreaking advances in medical research.

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Fellowships get researchers and technology moving

An EU-funded programme is bringing researchers from across the world to universities and SMEs in Belgium. The aim is to encourage technology transfer, stimulate innovation and develop careers in a range of sectors key to economic growth - including aeronautics and space, agro-food, biotechnology and chemicals.

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Colloids made to order

Industries from food to pharmaceuticals rely on understanding the unique properties of colloidal materials. An EU-funded training network is equipping young researchers with the know-how needed to design new colloids for new purposes - with potential competitive benefits to industry.

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Neurodiversity - understanding the legal and social impacts

Are neurological conditions like Asperger's syndrome and autism the new frontier of inequality and discrimination? The EU-funded NEDBELS project is investigating the legal and social challenges society faces if it is to be more inclusive of those with such neurological disorders - a concept known as 'neurodiversity'.

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