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Probing the causes of ecosystem change

Satellite data has great potential for detecting changes in ecosystems. An EU-funded project is combining space and ground data to develop an innovative method of monitoring ecosystems, to give early warnings of ecosystem change and biodiversity loss.

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Cities go back to nature to tackle climate challenges

Cities need to develop inclusive, smart and sustainable solutions to climate and water-related challenges. Using nature to solve these challenges can bring multiple benefits. The EU-funded Urban Nature Labs (UNALAB) project is taking a citizen-driven approach to developing innovative, nature-based solutions in different urban environments.

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Studying habitats to support sustainable farming

Nature provides benefits worth billions of euros a year to EU agriculture - such as pest control by insect predators. An EU-funded project has improved knowledge of the habitats that foster these so-called ecological services, helping to support an increase in sustainable farming and food security.

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Cooking up a plan to conserve Andean crop diversity

From tackling poverty, climate change and environmental degradation to preserving cultural heritage and agricultural sustainability, crop diversity is integral to solving some of the greatest challenges on the planet. An EU-backed research effort has made agrobiodiversity conservation in the Andean region its business. The hope is that crops like tarwi, amaranth, cañahua, arracacha, yacón and isaño could one day become household names as quinoa is today.

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New platform helps earth scientists manage and share data

An EU-funded project has developed a virtual research environment to help the earth sciences community manage its research life cycles and to share knowledge. The new e-infrastructure platform provides easy access to vast amounts of data and tools, boosting researchers’ productivity and creativity.

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Blue e-infrastructure to inform blue growth policy

Without a clear view of marine resources and environments, efforts to derive sustainable growth from the seas cannot fully succeed. An EU-funded project has developed virtual labs for research relevant to policy aimed at activating untapped economic potential in a sustainable manner and stimulating job creation in the marine and maritime sectors.

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