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Research and Innovation

Ocean Ecosystem-Based Management Mandates and Implementation in the North Atlantic

This publication characterises, compares, and synthesises the mandates that govern marine activities and ocean stressors in relation to facilitating Ecosystem-based management in the national and...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Species and habitat
Ecosystem approach
Environmental protection

HySeas3 3D Virtual Environment

This virtual environment includes a 3D interactive equipment view that displays the parts and functions of the distinct components within the vessel's power-train. It also features a schematic view...

Models (economic modelling, forecast models, conceptual structures, decision-making models, CBAs, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 2a - Prevent and eliminate pollution - litter and microplastics
Objective 3c - Blue economy - Decarbonisation and ecosystem perspectives in maritime industries
Passenger transport

Set of love the ocean videos

The SOPHIE Submon and Travelecoology teams have created a series of “Love the Ocean” videos to underscore the diverse connections between the ocean and human health.

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Multimedia (Visuals, video)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Ocean literacy
Coastal maritime tourism
Ecosystem approach
Nautical tourism

Ocean and health factsheets for tourism operators

The SOPHIE citizen team has generated a collection of factsheets aimed at spotlighting the myriad manners in which the oceans contribute to health and well-being. These resources were formulated to...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Ocean literacy
Coastal maritime tourism
Ecosystem approach
Nautical tourism

MERCES webinars

This 5-part webinar series, hosted by MERCES (Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas), a Horizon 2020 project for Blue Growth, delves into various topics and facets pertinent to the...

Multimedia (Visuals, video)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Species and habitat
Ocean literacy

The SponGES modular teachers' workbook

This modular teachers' workbook consists of supplementary teaching materials referred to within the teachers' workbook. It includes a series of links directing users to additional resources within...

Training materials
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Aquatic plants and algae
Ocean literacy
Active learning
Environmental protection
Species and habitat

Data registry of European Long Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) sites

This website facilitates the exploration of long-term ecosystem research locations worldwide, encompassing the data collected at these sites and the individuals and networks linked to them. DEIMS-SDR...

Tools (tools and applications used to design, develop, implement project or program, also data analysis tools)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Enabler 1 - Ocean digital knowledge system
Big data
Ocean models
Ocean observation
Ecosystem approach

Marine Mammals science education learning materials

Marine Mammals science education learning materials are educational resources for school teachers and students that have been created by a global team of specialists including marine scientists...

Training materials
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Active learning
Ocean literacy
Species and habitat
Environmental protection

DiscardLess cost-benefit calculator

This calculator computes the revenue gained from including/enhancing the processing of by-catches and provides estimates of the benefits resulting from improved handling. It offers solutions for...

Models (economic modelling, forecast models, conceptual structures, decision-making models, CBAs, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Objective 3b - Blue economy - carbon-neutral and circular fisheries and aquaculture
Enabler 2b - Raising awareness

Selectivity in Trawl Fishing Gears manual

This manual describes different stages of the fish capture process, highlighting how different parts of the gear may influence selection and identify possible design changes which can alter the...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Objective 3b - Blue economy - carbon-neutral and circular fisheries and aquaculture
Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
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