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Exhibition 2021

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Exhibition 2021

Health centre

Want to test your knowledge of our featured projects on health centre? Here’s a quick quiz (three questions, no prizes). All the answers are in the Panorama, so make sure you’ve read all the stories there. Hint: for the multiple choice questions, you might need to choose more than one answer.


How much do you know?

Want to test your knowledge of our featured projects on cities and transportation? Here’s a quick quiz (three questions, no prizes). All the answers are in the city Panorama, so make sure you’ve read all the stories there.

Hint: for the multiple choice questions, you might need to choose more than one answer.

How does immunity work?

Dr Aleksandra Walczak, physicist and research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, explains how our immune system works and why people vary in their response to coronavirus.