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Research and Innovation

Blueprint : An approach to scale up solutions to achieve “zero plastic pollution” in the Mediterranean islands

This document consolidates exemplary practices into seven distinct categories for distribution and implementation in diverse regions. Its objective is to broaden the adoption of current tools and...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 2a - Prevent and eliminate pollution - litter and microplastics
Plastic pollution
Marine litter

Quantifying impacts of human pressures on ecosystem services: Effects of widespread non-indigenous species in the Baltic Sea

This study examines how invasive non-indigenous species (NIS) affect ecosystem services (ES) in the Baltic Sea. Ecosystem services include essential benefits like food, water, and climate regulation...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Species and habitat
Ecosystem approach

Novel Fish Predator Causes Sustained Changes in Its Prey Populations

This study explores how ecosystems are shaped by both resource availability (bottom-up) and predator influence (top-down). To understand the role of predators, the researchers use biological invasions...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Species and habitat
Ecosystem approach

Minimising nutrient discharges from fertiliser transport by sea in the Baltic Sea region

This study provides a comprehensive overview of the current situation, including capacities, handling volumes, methods, and operational practices in the transportation of fertilisers and related raw...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 2b - Prevent and eliminate pollution – nutrients‚ chemicals‚ pesticides
Shipping, logistics
Ports and port activities
Environmental protection

Baltic Sea Action Group material repository

This repository of Baltic Sea Action Group materials contains educational packages, informative and scientific resources on responsible shipping, marine environment protection and eutrophication via...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
Objective 2b - Prevent and eliminate pollution – nutrients‚ chemicals‚ pesticides
Objective 3c - Blue economy - Decarbonisation and ecosystem perspectives in maritime industries
Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Shipping, logistics
Active learning
Species and habitat
Environmental protection
Ocean literacy
Maritime space

Policy briefs on key findings for multi-use pilots in terms of legal, governance, and insurance.

This policy brief outlines the latest findings on legal, governance, and insurance aspects for multi-use (MU) pilot projects. The brief highlights the challenges posed by MU, identifies gaps in the...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space
Maritime space

Guide on delivering an effective investor pitch on ocean multi-use solutions

When presenting a multi-use solution to potential stakeholders and investors, it's crucial to craft a captivating pitch that resonates with their unique interests. This guideline outlines key findings...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space
Blue economy entrepreneurship
Maritime space

Sustainable Ocean Economy - Mapping of Nordic Strongholds

This background study supports a forthcoming Nordic initiative on Sustainable Ocean Economy with the aim to strengthen Nordic ocean industries by promoting cross-border collaboration and by creating...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space
Blue economy entrepreneurship
Maritime space
Ecosystem approach

Maritime spatial plan for Finland 2030

The Maritime Spatial Plan for Finland 2030 provides detailed insights into Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and consists of five parts, including the legislative framework for MSP, potential and...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space
Maritime space

Preventing Plastic Pollution Guidance Packs

"Preventing Plastic Pollution" guidance packs provide detailed insights into the outcomes and findings derived from three years of dedicated efforts. These packs encapsulate various initiatives...

Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Mission objective
Objective 2a - Prevent and eliminate pollution - litter and microplastics
Plastic pollution
Marine litter
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