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CERN inaugurates a scientific tourist trail

On 2 June 2013 CERN will be inaugurating a scientific tourist trail known as the Passport to the Big Bang. A major programme of activities has been organised for the general public at various CERN sites, including special events and bike rides. The trail through the local countryside, between 10 exhibition platforms located at 10 different CERN sites, will follow the course of the huge underground ring of the LHC particle accelerator. The mini-exhibitions on the platforms will explain the fundamental research conducted at CERN and their spin-offs and will include telescopes similar to those that can be found at tourist spots. By looking into the telescopes visitors will be able to watch short video sequences illustrating different aspects of CERN science and technology. Visitors will also be able to take part in an online game called the “LHC Mission” using the interactive terminals located on each platform.