About She Figures
Since its first publication in 2003, the She Figures report serves as a key source of comparable, Europe-wide statistics on gender equality in Research and Innovation.
Through six chapters, the publication traces the ‘career trajectory’ of both women and men, from completing their doctoral studies to entering the workforce and advancing into leadership and decision-making positions in academia. Moreover, the report examines differences in working conditions and research outcomes produced between women and men.
Discover the focus of each chapter and explore key data trends below.
- She Figures Index
- The pool of graduate talent
- Participation in science and technology (S&T) occupations
- Labour market participation as researchers
- Working conditions of researchers
- Career advancement and participation in decision-making
- Research and innovation output
2024 edition
- A key novelty in the 2024 edition is the introduction of a pilot She Figures Index, a comprehensive tool to track progress on gender equality in research and innovation (R&I) across EU Member States over time.
- Additionally, four in-depth policy articles have been produced by leading experts in the field of gender equality in R&I, providing insights into the latest data trends, as well as ongoing and emerging priorities. The articles cover the following themes: the evolution and impact of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) within the EU, data collection processes and strategies for developing inclusive GEPs, inclusive innovation and the contribution of academic spin-offs to gendered innovation, and the impact of women’s participation in research teams on innovation and policy outcomes.
- For each EU Member State, a country fiche has been developed, highlighting key results across thematic areas, ensuring that European citizens can easily access information on their country’s performance on gender equality across the years.
- The updated She Figures Handbook offers the latest methodological guidance on data collection and the calculation of indicators.’
Note: Countries in the following charts are indicated with country codes. For the meaning of the codes please consult https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Glossary:Country_codes.
She Figures Index
The She Figures Index is a tool designed to assess the progress of European Union (EU) Member States in achieving gender equality within the European Research Area (ERA).
It draws on a range of She Figures indicators across six key dimensions: pipeline segregation, research sectors, career progression, decision-making, research participation, and the incorporation of a gender dimension in research and innovation content (GDRIC). Each dimension, as well as an overall score, is assigned a value between 0 and 100, with 100 representing full gender equality.
According to the data presented in She Figures 2024, overall Index scores range between 60 and 88.
Chapter 2
The pool of graduate talent
However, when data are broken down by broad field of study, significant/important disparities persist. In most Member States, women represent the majority (over 60%) of Doctoral graduates in Education but are underrepresented (less than 40%) in fields such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Engineering, Manufacturing, and Construction.
Source: Eurostat – Education Statistics (online data code: educ_uoe_grad02) and OECD (Graduates by field).
Chapter 3
Participation in science and technology (S&T) occupations
Chapter 4
Labour market participation as researchers
Chapter 5
Working conditions of researchers
Data from 2023, using web scraping techniques, show that more than 50% of higher education institutions mentioned actions and measures towards gender equality on their websites in most countries. Comparatively, measures and actions towards gender equality were less likely to be published on public research organisations' websites.
*2: Data missing for Women
Source: Eurostat - Custom extraction from LFS data.
Chapter 6
Career advancement and participation in decision-making
The gender gap between grade B and grade A positions is less pronounced in the fields of Engineering and Technology (6 percentage points) compared to all fields (10 percentage points).
Women are particularly underrepresented among heads of institutions, making up just 26%, while they represent 39% among the total number of board members at the EU level.
ISCED 6 – Bachelor’s or equivalent level.
ISCED 7 – Master’s or equivalent level.
ISCED 8 – Doctoral or equivalent level.
Grade C: The first grade/post into which a newly qualified PhD (ISCED 8) graduate would normally be recruited.
Grade B: All researchers working in positions that are not as senior as Grade A but definitely more senior than Grade C.
Grade A: The single highest grade / post at which research is normally conducted.
Source: Women in Science database, DG Research and Innovation - T1_questionnaires , Eurostat - Education Statistics (online data codes: educ_uoe_enrt03, educ_uoe_grad02).
Chapter 7
Research and innovation output
Source: Women in Science database, DG Research and Innovation - T3_questionnaires.