The third EU Blue Parks Community workshop is just around the corner – don’t miss the opportunity to take part on 12 November and learn from representatives of European institutions and Community projects.
The workshop, themed 'Strengthening the Community,' will enhance collaboration efforts and provide a space for the exchange of best practices and tools within the Community across the EU.
Get to know your fellow Community members!
The workshop will include presentations from MPA Europe, Submariner Network, MedPan, ‘Côte Agathoise’ MPA, and FairSeas. They will discuss the importance and various approaches to stakeholder engagement and cooperation, providing successful examples and inspiration for participants.
Representatives from the European Commission and the European Environment Agency will present useful services of European Research Infrastructures in the marine domain and marine data services. Participants will be introduced to the Marine hub of Lifewatch, Emodnet, the Digital Twin Ocean, and WISE Marine.
The full agenda of the workshop is available here.
The online workshop will take place on 12 November, 2024, 10:00 – 12:30. Register to attend here.
About EU Blue Parks Community
The EU Blue Parks Community under the EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030" brings together EU Member States national and regional authorities, European marine networks, stakeholders, and research and innovation projects to collaborate on marine protection and restoration in EU sea-basins. The Community aims to help identify and address challenges, share tools, solutions and good practices for marine protected areas (MPAs), contributing to the protection of 30% and strict protection of 10% of EU sea areas by 2030.